About us

I went to school to be a speech-language pathologist over 25 years ago. I love helping others and being a therapist allowed me to help others communicate, eat, process information, comprehend and rehabilitate after life changing injuries and illness like stroke, cancer, brain injuries, Alzheimer’s, Dementia and so many other diagnoses. After being an adjunct professor and Regional Director of Operations for a national rehabilitation company, I was offered the opportunity to obtain my Nursing Home Administrators license in 2016. As a Nursing Home Administrator in New Jersey, I have learned so much. I love the professional teams that were created, our residents and their families. I love serving others in need. I never questioned the “vocation” of my career.

I had always wanted to own my own business and to show my children they could be self-sufficient. We would use our imaginations to create companies, restaurants, brands, services you name it, but I never invested the time to bring anything to fruition. I had a very comfortable paycheck and no free time. Then in March of 2021 my entire world turned upside down. My children and I were essentially homeless for 5 months due to a broken system involving domestic violence. I was breaking emotionally from watching my father’s cancer destroy him, running my nursing home during the first ever COVID pandemic and also fighting an uphill battle with the system to get my home back from the abuser. I can only tell you that I prayed more than I ever have in my life, and I started to see amazing miracles when I truly turned my life over to God.

I someone who owned a food truck (but it was collecting dust parked in a lot) He helped me immensely put the pieces of my life back together and sold me the food truck. I met a woman who empowered me to fight and encouraged me to live the dreams that God had put in my heart despite my pain. I had the best business partner in the world, my little girl (she was 16) and my sweet son (who was 10) was willing to work the lemonade stand for me. I decided I was going to pursue my life’s dream of owning my own business and God would guide me through it all. Call me crazy all you want, but it worked.

I looked at the truck collecting dust in the parking lot and thought “oh no, I’m going to rebrand you”. It was a patriotic looking truck but not my style. I believe it’s fitting because she’s still a patriot underneath it all (like me). I loved the meaning of the word “bohemian” a socially unconventional person living an artistic lifestyle. Deep in my soul, that girl was buried. I have always known I was a true boho type at heart, but I fit very well into the corporate structure with my black heels, authoritative voice, and “can do” attitude. I was rewarded for fitting into that structure time and time again but at my core I wasn’t free. As I began to unravel the ugliness of my DV situation, I began to heal and learn about who I really was. So, with my friends and children’s help I decided to rebrand the food truck “Boho Bites” serving clean coastal cuisine. This business would incorporate everything I loved, family, the beach, CBD, travel, eating AND philanthropy. When I prayed on it because I would be the only investor, God promised me the money would come. And it has…

Yes, our food is delicious! It’s healthy, local, farm fresh, organic but it’s more than that. Food is love. I have learned the art of cooking for others is really showing them love. I also incorporate my love of CBD and plant medicine (after much research during my father’s cancer) into our foods and drinks (as options). When I prepare your food, I truly do blast Pandora Christian Rock Radio and I pray. When we have left over from events, we donate to those in need. In November of 2021, we became “Partners in Peace” with Providence House to raise funds to help other local DV survivors. We also through all of your generosity donate to “Rylee’s Battle” a beautiful 7-year-old girl battling leukemia and recently David’s Dream and Believe Foundation to help local families suffering the effects of cancer. With less than a year in business, you generously helped us donate over $6,000 to local causes. My promise to God was to show his good in my life despite the storms and pain. The testimony after the trials. He has fulfilled the dreams he put in my heart and has restored all that was lost. This is only just the beginning!

We are available for private parties and events. We specialize in customizing a menu, based off our signature menu of clean coastal cuisine. Our attention to detail will leave your guests impressed with full bellies. Baby showers, Anniversaries, Weddings, Community Events, Fundraisers, Block Parties, Corporate Events, you name it. If the truck is not in your vision, we also offer catering with a customized tabletop set up sure to “wow” your guests. When we are not at private events, we will post the details of our whereabouts for you to come visit!